One boring summer day this little girl, Jessica, and her brother Isaiah were trying to come up with something to do. They jumped on the trampoline, played computer games, and watched tv, but they couldn't find anything to do. Finally Jessica decided that she wanted to go swimming at the river. Isaiah on the other hand was scared to because he couldn't swim very well. When they started out towards the woods Isaiah walked really slowly and cautiously looking at everything around him.
In order to get to the creek, they had to go through the woods where all the wild animals, big trees, and snakes were. Jessica was taking pictures while Isaiah was thinking of different ways of getting out of going to the water. When they were almost to the muddy bank when Jessica started hearing scary noises, she wondered if someone was following them, but she didn't say anything because Isaiah was already scared enough.
When they were almost to the river something ran by Jessica, she thought it looked like a stranger that was going after Isaiah, she hurried up the path to find Isaiah. Isaiah started to run towards the river,but he fell. The thing that was running along them was a big wild deer!
Jessica stopped looking everywhere for Isaiah, but she she couldn't find him. Jessica was really scared and worried she didn't want anything to happen to her little brother. She started to walk to the river screaming and yelling Isaiah's name. Isaiah got to the river bank and looked over the water and how calm it looked. He decided nothing was wrong with the river as long as he wasn't in it.
Once she got to the river she saw Isaiah skipping little tiny stones over the beautifully calm river. Jessica was taking beautiful pictures of the river until she heard the deer come back for them. They ran and hide behind a huge tree but the deer still saw them. The deer started to chase the kids.They ran and jumped over everything. Finally,they got back to their house and found out that the deer just wanted some food.
What a Strange Day in July.